The SYPT and the SYNT are organized by the board of the non-profit association Pro IYPT-CH. The board members are responsible for all the administrative tasks, financing, the website and other media for publicity. Furthermore, they organize the SYPT, the team qualification and the preparation of the selected team. Some of them are even part of the Swiss delegation and accompany the team to the international tournament to coach them on site.


The board has the following members (elected by the general assembly on January 30, 2025):

Name Function Affiliation SYPT/IYPT Experience
Samuel Byland President MNG Rämibühl Coach, IYPT juror
Marc Bitterli Actuary, SYPT Organizer   SYPT/IYPT participant, coach, IYNT juror
Daniel Keller Treasurer, Coaching MNG Rämibühl Coach, IYPT juror
Prof. Dr. Thomas Jung   Paul Scherrer Institut, University of Basel SYPT/SYNT juror
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vaterlaus Contact academia ETH Zurich IYPT juror
Michael Klein SYNT Organizer   SYNT/IYNT/SYPT/IYPT participant, coach, IYNT juror
Jan Kamm Membership coordinator   SYPT/IYPT participant
Malte Uthoff Webmaster, Coaching   SYPT participant, coach


Further Staff

Name Function SYPT/IYPT Experience
Sam Norton Auditor SYPT/IYPT juror
Michael Seitz Auditor SYPT juror
Eric Schertenleib EC member SYPT/IYPT participant, coach, IYPT juror