Become a Member of the Organization Pro IYPT-CH

Please fill in this form to become a member of Pro IYPT-CH. By that you not only support the SYPT and the Swiss team at the IYPT but you also give middle school students access to interesting scientific physics projects. Futhermore, you can stay in contact with former participants and supporters of the SYPT/IYPT.

Street, house number

Please choose the applicable category: Students pay CHF 20.- per year and others 50.-

Terms and Conditions

1. Commitment

With the application for a membership the sender commits to paying the membership fee, CHF 20.- for persons of the category Student and CHF 50.- for the others, as defined by Pro IYPT-CH. In case the member fails to pay the fee, Pro IYPT-CH reserves the right to revoke the membership. Furthermore, Pro IYPT-CH reserves the right to change the membership fees.

2. Privacy

Pro IYPT-CH pledges oneself to treating the data submitted by the applicant in confidence. It will only be stored and used for the purpose of correspondence with the member and no third party will be given access to it.

Zürich, Februar 2015